What is the Meaning of Life ?( an alternative story )

What is the Meaning of Life ?( an alternative story ) 1

I existed since the beginning of time .

I existed of course before you and before what you think you know about life , your planet , the humans , the stars , the space , the universe , the animals , the nature , before all .

I existed before the one you call , material . From where i came from , such “things” and senses aren’t exist . I know that you find this , very difficult for your “limited” brain to understand , but that’s the why it is .

I existed before the knowledge you thing you have about the beginning of the universe , the “great explosion” , as your scientists call it , before the Bing Bang .

You think that you have evoluted so much as a humanity , because you’ve made some rockets and spaceships and you “fly” a little(!) above the ground . How “fool” you are my friend .You think that you are so great , because you aren’t in the “caves” anymore and you have cars and the Facebook .

You think that you can control your life , your death , your environment , the planet all the cirmumstances in your “so little” mortal life .

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As you think that you know who i am , right now but I’m not who you think i am !!!!!

You don’t know if i’m good or evil . If i’m evil and was once good . If i exist realy in your life and in the lives of every human being . If you think that i don’t exist because you don’t see me .

If i can affect your life or if i’m harmless under some “specific circumstances” , you don’t know anything .

You think you know , as you’ve been allowed to assume .

But to be honest(!) to you , in some humans , among you it has been given the ability , to see me very clearly and realize my interference in your humanity .

But only a few and only after of many and many years of “soul fights” in the place i was . I wasn’t the only one of my kind ,of course .

There were many others like me , but some of us are kind in a higher place , because of our loyalty and “servises” .”Life” was so easy and pleasant . We made “eternal walks” to wherever we wanted and we haven’t anything to bother about .

I must admit i liked , very much and till nowdays , i haven’t overcome(!) my WAY OUT , of that mammoth joy , but i don’t say it to anyone(!) . I don’t let myself to admit it . But in general i don’t admit anything .

But all these are in the past now and they cannot(!) change . But the good and impressive part , hasn’t started yet , my friend .

One moment the BIG ONE , desided to create your world from complete darkness . I don’t know why HE made such a decision . HE didn’t tell us anything about HIS decision .

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But Oh , my friend when HE is in the mood(!) , HE can do Astonishing “things” and from nothing .
I ,as the others were standing and watching the beginning of HIS creation . First HE created the material .

After that HE created the earth and the sky , but they were haven’t any specific shape . They were kind of a mixed “situations” . Darkness and Chaos was all over the palce , sea and land were mixed together and no life existed .

No bird , no animal , no fish , nothing .

And then He said : “there will be light” and light was born . HE named light as day and dark as night .

This was DAY ONE !!!!! , even if “mess” was everywhere , i must say i’d like it . But HE didn’t stop there .

Next HE said : let it be the universe as you say it and the beautiful sky made his presence .I don’t get impress easily , but that time i was very . How beautiful was that blue .

Right after that day , HE said : let the waters be gathered and Land unveiled . HE named the land , Earth and the waters Sea . HE was very satisfied with this creation of HIS , so HE continued fast .

HE said : let the land gets green , trees and grass will fill the surface , seeds will fell to the ground and grow endlesly into a perfect life circle . So your whole planet became green and HE was very satisfied .

The 4th day , HE said that , day and night must be seperated , so HE created the 2 big sky stars , and your Sun and Moon made their first appearence .

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But HE didn’t stop there . HE liked those 2 big stars very much , so HE made more smaller stars to give more light . The next day(the 5th) , HE created the fish and sea creatures in the sea and that was happened .

The 6th , HE made the animals , the beasts of any kind , the reptiles and all living creatures above the earth and of course HE created my favorite animal.

What was that ? But the goat of course !!

He looked at all of HIS creations and HE was very satisfied , but not completely satisfied . HE took the decision to create HIS best creation and HE “built” the human . The materials HE used , were very simple , some mud , water and here you are . “Something is missing” , HE said and that’s your “story” begins .

You are alive , not yet my friend . HE gave you life , blowing in your face and your first breath was reality . That time , HE was so satisfied as NEVER before . I , and the others , we haven’t see HIM , so happy as HE was for your your creation .

HE said that you were HIS BEST CREATION . HE LOVED(loves you ) YOU VERY MUCH . You were perfect . And to show you HIS love , he made you sleep , and one day , HE took one rib and HE created another human being .

A female this time and HE presented to you . You were so happy . I remember your glowing face , because you wouldn’t be alone anymore .

“All the beasts , animals , birds and sea creature , I’ve made , will be in your command” , HE said and now , HE could rest(!) a little , even if HE doesn’t gets tired , ever .

I suppose HE was very happy and he wanted to take HIS time(!) and admire you as much as HE could . That time more or less , the bad things for me began , and i don’t know if i could set the time back ,i’d change my “actions” .

Even if my other companions , were so happy with their “jobs and life” , i wasn’t so happy . I thought i was better than the others and i wanted more Power and Recognition for my services .

Driven by Pride and Vanity , i was so “foolishly” thought that i can do a better job , than HE did and i organized a revolution , in order to bring HIM down and take HIS place . I managed to persuade some of my kind to follow me and now i had a “powerful” army , i thought…..


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Except of the many properties , HE has , HE is also UNBEATABLE and i discovered it , with the “hard” way . I FALL completely and for good . I lost all of my properties , all of my priveleges ,most of my powers all the “brightness” i had . Everything .

I really felt in my skin(!) , HIS ENORMOUS POWER , but also HIS ENORMOUS LOVE !!!! .

Why ?

Because HE could have demolish me completely , but HE didn’t do it !!!!!! . HE let me take my path and live with the concequences ,of course .

During my Fall ,i managed to take with me many of my “buddies” and i would have taken even more building stronger army , but MICHAEL and GABRIEL , stopped them from following me .

Your mortal brain cannot imagine the battles , between my “army” and HIS . Your Star Wars(!) is a kindergarden’s playground !!! .

But i lost and i lost for good .

From that day , nothing would be the same anymore for you . I sweared to fight HIM , with all my powers and because i cannot harm HIM , i made you and your kind my target , because i know that HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH .

You were so good in the place HE chosen for you ,you had so much fun and have zero problems in your life .

Your environment was so calm and peacefull , and nature cannot been described with the words of your world . It was like a paradise(!) . And you were so happy!!!! And that was the first time we’ve met …..

You know i can take so many shapes and forms , accordingly with the situation and my “purposes” .

Usually i take the most “innocent” shape i can , because i want your trust and most of the times , i succeed . Back then , in our first “meeting” i chose a crawling shape and i decieved you very easily .

You and your “lady” , were so innocent and i didn’t tired much to persuade you , to brake the one and only law , HE gave you and forbits you , NOT TO BRAKE NO MATTER WHAT .

But i made my first “score” and you bite it !!!!! .

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You bit the only thing you weren’t allowed to . After you broke HIS law , everyting changed . No more immortality no more happy times all day long no easy food and water , no friendships with all the earth’s animals , no more continuoustalks” with HIM every moment and soul completeness for the two of you.

HE got upset very much and throw you away from the perfect place . HE send you on earth , took your immortality and let you live as human with flesh and the problems has just began for you .

You were all alone in a unknown place and you had to search and earn your daily food and water . You had to fight and you didn’t know anything about fights .

But even if HE doesn’t interfere in your free will , HE was always watched you .HE is always watching you . HE LOVES YOU !!!! you so much , no matter if you dissapointed HIM .

HE gave you physical powers , mental powers , spirit ,will ,heart to overcome difficulties …..he gave you “weapons” no living creature has in your entire planet and HE let you live with your own way , your own will .

But HE never lets you go away from HIS protection .

But my friend , i ‘ve never let you go from my traps , also . Remember my “life’s” mission is your total destruction , which will cause so much dissapointment , to HIM .

The situation for you , the first time in earth as a mortal human wasn’t easy . Countless dangers were around you , but you managed to adapt and survive , inspite my anticipations for you .

You find out how to fish and hunt in order to feed your body . You found out where you could find clean water and how to protect yourself from the big animals and beasts attacks .

And believe me , those days the beasts on earth were beyond your Jurassic Park Hollywood producers (!) imagination . I was always made your life more difficult , using my powers for it but i have “limitations” of how intense i can affect and “rule” , your life .

Without your “permission‘ and welcoming , i CAN’T DO ANYHTING , but of course i do my best to hide this little “secret” from you . So you lived nicely in your small houses built by rocks and mud and you were discovering the world and your environment more and more .

You made family ,you met new friends from the nearest villages ,you made bigger family ,you met new and more friends .

You create your first small society and you’ve learned to cooperate with others , as a team to accomplish bigger goals .

Now your hunting became easier ,your supplies could be safer from external dangers , your clothes were better and warmer , your villages could handle any situation and future danger .

That time you discovered the power of the many people unite together for a cause and your evolution as a human was doing well . And that was pissing me off . I don’t feel joy , if you are happy and you do well in life and i always try my best to bring you misery and unhappiness .

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You discovered fire , the use of the hard metals you found during your diggs , you prepared your food better and all this made you better and better very day . You were feeling very confident for yourself and the “lord” of the world .

Your small villages , became bigger and more , and your population was growing very fast .Your so fast growing , created the need for more organisation and controlof the power , some of you had .

You created small warehouses to keep your product safe and of course you needed people to guard the warehouses . Next you invented money in its primitive form , to make exchanges to other people and of course you needed .

“Warehouses” and guards , to keep your money safe . You created villages , towns and countries . You created police , armies and weapons to protect you from each other ! .

This is my territory , my friend . Now , i can “work” , to make you CHOOSE , my path and not HIS path . My secret weapons to do that ? imple .You and your great “ammount” of passions and weaknesses .

Greed , vanity , hatred , lust , love for power , ego ,intolerance , self-destruction emotions , lazyness , slyness and so many others . Using these weaknesses of yours , do you know how mant times i’ve won you and made you make my will ?

I was the one who made say your first lie . And after you made the beginning , noboby could stop you . I was the one who made you , to betray other human for the first time .

I was the one who put in your heart the slyness about your surroundings and after your heart , your brain followed . I was the one who made you to do your first cheat in your wife/husband and you liked it so much .

I was the one who made you afraid so much for loosing your wealth and stuff and driven by that , you made your first murder in your human history .

I was the one who made you “justify” yourself for that action of yours , and not feeling guilts . I was the one who made you desire the wife/husband of your friend , brother or whatever without having any moral resistors .

I was the one who made you made your first war against another country , and made your first “blood-bath” , for power and glory . I was the one who pushed you every single day , inch by inch to do EVIL and this becomes your easy “habit” , in order to find solutions .

I was the one who sneaks with many forms in your councils and goverments and persuade the weakest “ring-chain” , to lead the others to EVIL .

I was the one who makes you lazy and gives you countless excuses and postpone to do GOOD . But i have found even to them their weak spots , which was their deep hatred for each other ….and pushed them to make so many wars . But those “guys were good .

I was near to another very good “competitor” , the Macedonian King , Alexander the Great .

He was a unique general , as this planet had never seen before . He was very intelligent and every move he made , was perfect .

I must admit that , from the Ancient Greeks i had most defeats in my “life” (!) . They were very good and settled the “ground” , for the coming for the SON of HIM .

And that’s the way it happenned . HIS SON came for you , walk beside you , eat with you , sleep with you , spoke with you , heal your bodies , showed you the path to heal your soul , live with you …. and you killed HIM .

You killed HIM , without second thoughts and so easy and till today , you seem that you don’t know the answer of a very easy question .

What was JESUS purpose ?

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JESUS purpose was to take in HIS shoulders , your countless signs , teach you the power of love , give you the Word Of GOD to spread it among the hole world and be prepared for the end of days . The Judgement day .

The day which all humans , alive ore dead will be judged by GOD . The purpose of JESUS was to show you the “beyond limits” Love ,GOD has for you ,no matter how many are your evil actions , how many are your signs in front of HIS eyes .

JESUS purpose was your salvation . JESUS purpose was your soul’s salvation taking the place you had before your fall from the place you had beside GOD .

JESUS purpose was to show you that you must stop follow evil , forgive your enemies TOTALLY and change your life , according to GOD“s will . JESUS purpose was the complete victory of death and HE did that with HIS resurrection .

That exact time , HE TOTALLY WON EVIL till the end of time .

JESUS purpose during his time here on earth was to show that you must stop pray and worship other gods , other icons , you must stop pray and worship to material , wealth ,flesh and passions …. and turn all your existance to HIM , HIS HOLY FATHER , HIS HOLY MOTHER and HOLY SPIRIT .

JESUS purpose was to show you that it’s another thing to be a good person and another thing to be a good christian !!!!

The first thing for being a good christian is to forgive and forget , the evillness you have suffered and turn you other cheek . And i know that is so hard . Your Ego doesn’t let you , go to this direction . But if you want to be a good christian my friend , you must do GOD’s will.

And here is another crucial question :

What does the will of GOD mean ?

The will of GOD means that , if you want to follow HIS path and be HIS child , you must follow HIS orders . You must follow HIS law .

The will of GOD means that if you want to get the internal life , and save your soul , not your body , you must follow HIS rules , no matter if you find it hard to do so .

The will of GOD also means to do that you must put in your life and heart , humbleness , mood for giving to others , honest mood to forgive the others who were your “enemies” till then ,mood to identify your weaknesses deep inside and begin the “race” to erase them .

The will of GOD is the will who every father has for his children .

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GOD wants all of HIS children to enter HIS Kingdom and wants no one stay outside . The will of GOD is driven only by Love and never from other motives . GOD doesn’t punish anyone , we are punish ourselves .

The will of GOD is so crystal clear and HE also gives you , the free will , to follow it , or not . GOD Never forces you to follow HIM . Saying all these to you my friend , i know that you have another question and i will answer it for you .

Who created GOD ?

Nobody , created GOD !!!!!GOD has no beginning and has no end . GOD is Perfect in every sense the human brain can understand and beyong that .

Human brain cannot understand HIS existence , usind the human words , philosophies , values , human logic , human actions and reactions . Nobody could create GOD because GOD is All . There is nothing before HIM and nothing after HIM .

HE hasn’t a shape , a form , something that humans can set into limits , because GOD is limitless and endless . HE is omnipresent , HE is the beginning and the end .

Nobody can create the CREATOR .

Because if someone could create GOD , this automatically would mean that GOD has limitations and GOD has no limitation . GOD created the word perfect we all say in our lifes , but HE is more than Perfect and i know that your mind is confused about all this .

But people are getting confused about this question because they try to understand HIS existance , using logic , senses , philosophy and stuff like that but GOD cannot been measured with “things” you can touch and interpret .

GOD can be “touched” , by heart and soul and some unique humans on earth , have that privilege , after some “endless” fights with themselves !!!!!

Some Monks who have devoted their lives , their complete existence to GOD , have felt HIM !!!!!! .

Look at the Mount Athos in Greece and you’ll find some , if GOD wants you to find them .

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I know that the atheists all around the globe are saying that , it isn’t possible someboby must have created GOD , but if you accept this kind of an explaination , you will accept that GOD has a beginning somewhere , sometime .

Which is totally wrong because GOD has no beginning or an end . GOD has nothing to do with our time measuring and scientific “laws” . GOD is beyond and above all these . HE cannot been “touched” , with our human’s metrics , not even with our limited fantasy .

So all these inner search my friend takes us to another question , humans have and it is :

What is the meaning of life ?

The answer to this timeless question , has as many answers as many are the juman beings in the planet . Every Human has its own answer to this question , depending , of who he is .

The answer to this question , hasn’t one answer as the mathematics have and everybody accepts , that 1 + 1 , equals two .

Depending of what’s inside your brain as a life’s philisophy .What emotions are inside your heart as a human being . What are the “elements” of which your soul has been made of .

What experiences you have in your life . What ambitions you have as a person .What ambitions you don’t care to have (!) . How do you react in front of the countless “fights” you’ll face in life .

How much educated you are from schools and univercities and how much from life’s experiences .

How many loses and how many victories you have in life and how you responded to this , how much you try to achieve something which is very important to you(!) and so many other personal parameters , all people have the meaning of life changes and depends .

The meaning of life doesn’t exist in books and be given to you like a “recipe” or a “road map” , to follow and never have problem ever again . The meaning of life exist first inside your heart and soul and then in your logic and brain .

You’ll find yourself searching the meaning of life , till your last moments in earth and change opinions continuously . Heraclitus has said : “Everything Moves” , and he was so right .

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So this question you have my friend , looks the same with this question :

What is the meaning and purpose in life ?

Again this answer is relevant and will always be relevant , as relevant are the opinions and life’s approaches the billion of people’s have . The meaning and purpose in life will always be billions , because people are billions .

Of course humanity during the milleniums has created some principles and society laws , so the people can live and survive in big towns and countries , but as seasons and time are changing , so these written and unwritten laws adapt .

If we want to try and discover some reasons and purposes for life which have some meaning for humans , we should split the life’s meaning to material and spiritual facts . Yes i suppose this separation even if it isn’t a 100% solid separation , it can give us some base for talking .

Some people’s purpose in life , is focusing mostly in the materials , some in the spiritual improvement and of course there are humans , who combine them as much as they can . So if you want to find the life’s meaning ,

Don’t search the “golden” answer in books and what the others have experienced and say to you . Every person is unique and cannot been duplicated from another . Personalities and souls cannot been duplicated . So life’s purposes cannot been duplicated to look like something .

What is the purpose of life according to Bible ?

Praise GOD , worship him , proclaim HIS greatness and accomolish HIS will ( 1 for Corinthians 10:31 ) is the purpose of life according the Bible .

If you want to “find” GOD , be HIS child and live by his will , you must follow HIS will , if you want to !!!

Nobody is going to force you , to Love GOD , even if the humans through time driven by their ambitions and vanity , have made wars , crusades and spill the blood of innocent , to force the unbelievers , join Christianity .

In the Holy Bible , there is the word of GOD .

No matter who you are , if you want to be GOD’s child and inherit the after life beside him , you have all the “instructions” you need to accomplish that .

If you want to be a good Christian , you must follow exept the 10 commands HE gave you , the “lifestyle” of the Christian . And the first law of the Christians “lifestyle” is :
Forgive your enemies and Love each other !!!!! Yes it’s tough , but not impossible .

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Why do we live ? Why do you live my friend ?

You live to earn the biggest ammount of money you can possible collect ? You live for money and glory without having any moral barrier ?

You live to collect material no matter what and without caring for your neighbor who has difficulties and having bad time ?

You live to collect as much flesh joy , as you can “earn” , ignoring what kind of joy your soul needs ?

You live to demonstrate your wealth to your surrounding , “inflating” from satisfaction and well hiden revenge ?

You live and act to gain only external virtues and ignore your internal needs , your inner “hunger” to discover who you really are and what you want from your life ?

What do you want , or what the others want ?

You live to find continuous excuses( like poverty , “toxicity” people … ) for your loses , or you try not to find escuses and give whatever you’ve got , to WIN , whatever you want to WIN ?

You live to fight and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and cry as a Champion , or you quit after some defeats ?

You live to hear and “obey” your fears and illusions you may have , or you obey to your inner “flame” and push yourself harder and harder , till the end of the road ?

You know in life , the Good and Evil exist ,till the beginning of time and evil’s “job” is to destroy you directly , or use “sideway” tricks to manipulate you and convince you that you are not so good , To Win . Trust me i know what i’m saying to you !!!!!!

The biggest question i’m going to ask you , is :

Will you let circumastances to ruin your life’s “mission” and become a complete and a happy
person , or will you react and reverse every bad situation you’ll face ?

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Many are searching their life’s goal and meaning , through complex philosophies and they don’t see the simple , which is just to Be Happy .

And if you manage to fulfill your dreams , the “ammount” of happiness you’ll feel will make you , smile so wide , and make the Joker so jealous !!!


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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