How to Know , Who your Real friends are ? ( 4 big Criteria . )

How to Know , Who your Real friends are ? ( 4 big Criteria . ) 1

In our “crazy” times , situations and people are so confused and complex , you don’t know what is real and what isn’t . This unfortunately applies ieven in our very close relationships .

This spread fakeness of course creates many problems to people and mentality issues . You don’t know who to trust , for how long and from what directions the betrayal will come .

I’ve written a helpful article concerning the signs that people are competing against you , see it in HERE .

Of course there are signs that “decode” the fake intensions of a person and no matter how smart or capable he is , you can identify his fakeness. You can use these sign in order to identify , who are your real friends in life and who are seems to be your close and sincere friends .

Let’s see some of them :

1) These Friends Love their lives in the Same Grade as Your Life .

This is the most difficult kind of friendship and love you can find in your life . It’s very difficult to find a person who will love you as he loves himself .

It’s very difficult to find this type of selfness , strength and love form one human being to another . This kind of frinedship is found usually between soldiers , battle companions , war companions and in general when the huamn limits are tested hard .

In these kind of situations , you see CLEARLY and with NO doubt , who is willing to jeopardize his life to save yours and the opposite of course . This is the ultimate maximum of love and friendship you can find in your life and it isn’t necessary to be between relatives , families ,et.c .

You may find this type of friendship – love in the”stranger” places and from the “stranger” human beings . This something between souls and soul mates . Of course this type of friendship lasts FOREVER .

In this type of relationships between two people , there are no secrets and hidden stuff . When you choose and you’re willing to sacrifice your life to save anothers life , this means that you’ve found your soul mate , for good .

This is the ultimate friendship and read in HERE something about how you can make friends .

2) Tease their Egoism and you’ll Who is your Real Friend .

We all have many friends , we all say that we have many friends , acquaintances , et.c . In our modern social media times , this phenomenon has gone way to far .

Millions of people have millions of digital “friends” . Of course we also have our real flesh and blood friends and we have our social life . We go to the coffee shop , bars , clubs , et.c and have fan with our frineds , many of them may be our childhood years friends .

We these humans we spend many hours , we say our secrets , we say what’s going on with our professions , lives , et.c and we believe that these humans are respect and love us .

Of course and unfortunately , this isn’t all the times true . Some of them aer your real friends and some are just for the fun with you or other reasons .

Tease a little their EGOISM , tease a little as a joke maybe , their accomplishments in life and watch carefully their reactions . Tease a little their pride and ego , concerning even small “things” in life and watch carefully their reactions .

Tease a little and make good intensioned fun for some defeat they have in their lives and watch carefully . You’ll maybe see reactions from their side that will hugely surpise you .

You’ll maybe see even insaults and ugly reactions to you . I suppose these guys and girls , aren’t so sincere for their friendship to you .

See what bad things can a false egoism can do to humans , in HERE .

3) See your “friends” Reactions when you are hugely Happy for something .

People say that you see your real freind , when you’re unhappy , miserable , you’ve lost big in life and in circumstances like these .

I have a way different approach to this . I say and hugely believe that the reactions of your friends , when you’ve scored a big VICTORY , say very much . NOT when you’re unhappy , but when you’re happy .

When you’re unhappy people will knock your back “friendly” for many reasons and many of these are false reasons .

When someone has failed , you’re BETTER than him that specific moment !!!!! Nobody challenge you and your successful life and your egoism can “sleep” peaceful and quiet . It doesn’t “cost anything” to you to show mercy to the failed one .

Not mentioned that you’ll look as a “big hearted” , kind human to the rest .

But when your friend has scored some big victories in life , he becomes successful and you may NOT be as him , things are changing !!!!!!

Your egoism recieves big hits and your true face unmasked will be revealed . This is a hudge friends “filter identifier” , trick . Win some victories , make some parties and have fun , buy a sports car maybe and see WHO is TRULY happy with you .

This one has big heart , kindness and humbleness and worths every “inch” of your friendship !!!

4) True friends , never tell Serious Big Lies .

True and sincere friends never choose to tell you big lies instead of truth , no matter the consciquences . Small , little and “innocent” lies we all tell to each others in our daily lives . But when the situations are serious and your words and stories cause serious issues , the truth is the only way .

True friends know that and they never jeopardize your friendship to tell you serious lies , no matter if you get angry or whatever else .

Lies KILL trust and without trust there is no relationship – friendship .

Be strong in body anf mind and keep going .


- I'm the admin of the . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of

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