How can i make Friends ? ( helpful Mindset and tips .)

How can i make Friends ? ( helpful Mindset and tips .) 1

The “immortal” question of how can you make friends , exists since from the beginning of time and from the times ,when the first human being stepped his foot on earth .

The “old days” friends .

The first primitive human , million years ago lived a life which has no comparison withour current life . You know back then on earth , technology and the comforts we all use today , were unknown words .

And the first humans , didn’t have languages (!) . They use screams and sounds and later , during their evolution , languages and other communications ways revealed . So , the first human has so many issues to deal with .

He should have to survive in a very hostile environment with many dangers surrounding him . Extremely difficult weather conditions and zero clothing for him . No those days , Nike , Adidas , Under Armour , Armani and the other companies which dress us , didn’t exist (!) .

He had to find a way to protect himself from the tough conditions and with whatever , materials he could find . So our primary friend understood that the fur of the animals was a very good solution for him . But he had a serious problem .

How can i make Friends ? ( helpful Mindset and tips .) 2

Those animals , those beasts , were so huge and big and many of them eated flesh . And the 1st human was from flesh (!) . So he should be very carefull while he hunted them , if he wanted not to become their lunch .

Friends make your life easier and not only .

So after his first tries and his first loses , he realized that this “job” would be mammoth easier , having the company of other people . So this primary need of him , “forced” him to search for more “species” like him and try to bring them in his life , making his first friendly relationships .

And his thought was very correct . Having the assistant and help of many more hands and feet than his own only , made his life a lot easier . Now he could hunt bigger animals , spending half the time he needed when he was alone and with way more easiness .

The bigger animals and the better food with less effort , gave more comfort to him . And when you have more time and comfort in your life , what do you do ?

You begin to make more thoughts . You begin to think more . And making better and wiser thoughts for your personal evolution .

Questions are evolution .

And that was what our primitive “friend” did . He started to make better thoughts of how he could make his life better , safer and the most important : he started to search for ANSWERS for those QUESTIONS they were spinning in his head .

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Questions about the unknown “things’ he was watching during his daily life . Those QUESTIONS and ANSWERS made us the humans we are today . That curiosity made humanity evolute and have all this we have in our 21th century .

So the first human now he had time and he used it to become cleverer . What are the light “spots” above his head , far away at nights ? How far away are they ?

Why all the rivers began from the higher places and finish their routes in the sea ? And what is this so big “lake” of salty water ?

What is this big “ball” during the day which made his skin warm and he couldn’t see it directly , with his eyes ? What is the other big “ball” , he sees at nights and why is so bigger than the other light spots ?

Those and “million” other questions kept the first human very busy for many thousand years . But he wanted answers and he didn’t care of how much time we would have needed to recieve answers .

Yes humans aren’t only very curious , but they are very persistent too . And of course our first human haven’t searched for other creatures like him , only for material needs , only for hunting help . Humans have in their DNA the companionship need , the social need .

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This spirit and curiosity made possible the benefits we all have in our times .

So the first human haven’t only searched for other people , just for a hunting company . He searched for COMPANY , relationships , friendships , and fulfillment of his inner “gaps” .

The years were passing , our first human discovered other other material than wood and rocks . Now he could make more efficient tools and “weapons” to face the challenges of life .

He discoverd fire and made his food habits “million times” more better than his old days . His better food , supplied his brain with more power and that power was used for evolution . He began to organize himself into small villages , to defend himself better from the animals and the nature’s dangers , but not only .

He liked the companionship , he liked to be surrounded with other people , he liked having the someone to talk to after a long difficult day , hunting or whatever . He liked it , being SOCIAL . And the years were passing . The many years were passing and the small villages , became bigger villages .

Bigger is better .

The bigger villages became small towns . The small towns became big towns . And the big towns , became countries as we know them till nowdays . Of course everything became bigger and better than the past , but all this didn’t came without problems .

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But despite the problems the evolution brought to humans , the need for FRIENDSHIPS is the SAME . Nobody can live alone . Yes you may have the need sometimes to be alone and make some “restarts” , but for long periods of time , NOBODY can live alone .

Evolution opened the “pandora’s box” .

The towns and the evolution of the humans revealed some more elements , he didn’t realized that he had them , back when he was struggled for survival . That evolution “introduce” humanity , to the lust for power , glory , vanity , evilness , sneakiness , skyness , inside complexes and in general the “dark” side of him .

Yes , i suppose all these existed inside the human being , till our first breath , but when you struggle to survive and you give ll your powers to that direction , you DON’T have time to be so evil .

The hard situations , the hard life , and the soul elements you give to make it better , make humans humble . In all the humanity’s Wars ( which began from the “things” above ) , people was very close to each other , in order to fight the enemy .

They didn’t have time to feel jealous to each other , to hurt each other , to make evil things to each other . They had to be TOGETHER in order to WIN . I suppose the extreme serious situations in human lives , unveiled their shiny side .

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Their BEST side .

So while humanity evoluted with big towns , big libraries , big philoshophers , astonishing evolution in arts and spirit , the other side , the “darkness” inside humans did its “job” . Countless wars had began , for material reasons mostly , for power and the satisfaction of our vanity .

Millions have died , in order to satisfy our lust for power and the FALSE need , to dominate to each other . Big armies were created , using the latest and best technology of that period and you couldn’t survive as a country , if you didn’t have a very strong and powerful army .

True Friends are “immortal” through time .

Bur remember despite all these facts and changes in our human history , the NEED for FRIENDSHIPS were still in the same level . Let’s speak about the BEST ARMY in the whole history of the human king . That army was ABSOLUTE best and “copied” , from the majority of the later armies in all over the globe .

That army’s philoshophy , mentality and general approach was the “column” of all the armies of the the human kind . Those soldiers were the ULTIMATE warriors , in body and most importand in their spirit .

And yes we are speaking for Friendships and Friends and how can you make more friends and better ones , but there is NO BETTER example of friendships , than those ELITE WARRIORS . Their hole philoshophy and technics to create the BEST ARMY of all times , had as BASE the FRIENDSHIP .

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Those soldiers were the best friends you could find in your whole life’s time . Those men they were willing to give their lives , with ZERO HESITATION , to SAVE YOURS !!!!!!

And not only that . They considered that giving their lives to save yours and their country’s , the ULTIMATE HONOR .

Their mindset was “programmed” in such way from their early childhood era , that their first and basic principle was the safety of their country and their next soldier’s life , in the battlefield .

were “unknown” words and meainings for them .

They were born , raised , live and die “serving’ their principles , as “machines” , as “cold- blooded” machines . They accomplished this level of commitment with elite training of course , from the age of 7 years old till theybecome , around 20 .

And their training was the hardest and “crueler” you could find in the entire’s human’s history . That tough weren’t only the men . The women were in the same level of commitment and toughness too .

When their sons were ready to leave for a battle , their mothers said to them that , they were waited for them to return : with their shield or ABOVE IT !!!!!!!

They meant that , they MUST return as WINNERS , or DEAD above their shield , brought back by their comrades – brothers in battle . Having wounds in their backs was a sign of cowardice , and that was an “alien” thing for those warriors .

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Once the King Of Macedonia , Phillip ( the father of Alexander the Great ) send a War message to the country of those Warriors . To their King , who was , Lycurgus . Lycurgus was the lawmaker also of the way of life , of those ELITE warriors and country .

The Smartest Answer in History .

Phillip , threaten Lycurgus HARD saying to him that , IF he decided to sent his amry to them they would be vanished . That IF he decided to hit them with his powerful army , they would be exterminated .

That IF he decided to fight them , he could destroyed them very easily . That IF he decided to vanish them , he could do it . Phillip said that and of course he waited for Lycurgus answer to his threats .

What was the answer of Lycurgus ?

It was just : IF !!!!!!!

The city of those warriors was the only city which didn’t have walls for protection , because NOBODY was “fool” enough to attack them .

Those soldiers when they had a war in front of them , or some other country wanted to attack them and provoke them , they NEVER asked HOW MANY soldiers the other army had , or how STRONG is the other army , or how VICIOUS was the other army .

They only asked : WHERE are they !!!!! .

Because NOBODY was better than them and maybe nobody was willing to do what they did , to WIN a War . Those warriors were willing to give their lives , without second thoughts in order to WIN .

Yes their level of determination was in the HIGHEST level a human being can have .

Why ?

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Because if you are willing to GIVE YOUR LIFE to your cause , your opponent should have the same willingness and more , to beat you . And this isn’t very easy for humans . It requires the biggest “amount” of heart’s power and a “special” soul .

And those guys were trained all their lives , for this . These warriors were trained all their lives , TOGETHER with their best friends who were the persons , beside them in battle , for only ONE “MISSION” .

To WIN .

They were taken from their trainers at the age of 7 ( yes the so young ) , till the age of almost 20 , in which they were “COMPLETE” , the Ultimate “War Machines” . They were trained continuously in their bodies and in their minds , from the oldest fighters , in the ABSOLUTE higher level , a human being can be trained .

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They left them alone in the forest , during the winter for many days without food , good clothing and anyhting else , in order to learn to survive ALL ALONE , without the help of noone . They left them starve and they encourage them to do whatever they could to feed themselves and live .

Even steal their food , but with ONE condition :

Not to be caught !!!! If they would get caught , the punishment was CRUEL whipping while they were tighten between 2 big Trees . The whipping stopped , when the oldest , “judged” it was enough and it was a very great honor , if during the whipping the kid didn’t scream from pain .

Man young kids died during the whipping because they didn’t let themsleves from PRIDE to show pain , and stop the “torture” . Yes those mentality was the daily “routine” for those “guys” .

Once , one of them during his big hunger , he managed to steal a small animal to eat it later , after the daily training . He putted it under his cloak and did , as nothing had happened , waited for the end of the class .

The animal started to eat him(!) , under his cloak , but the kid didn’t make the slightest noise and died from bleeding !!!!! Those warriors weren’t tough .They were the toughest .

They wear red cloaks from their neck to their feet , very long and why it was red ?

Because in battle , if they get wounded , the blood should not be recognized by the enemy and be imagined as “immortals” and indestructable .

The psychology of the battle and war , didn’t have a secret from them . They were TOTALLY complete . No weaknesses at all .

In order to hold on their position in battle and NEVER abandon – “brake” the line and expose his FRIENDBROTHER beside him in danger , their trainers made them push with every strength they had , a very big oak tree .

Till to drop the tree down !!!!! , or have no power to push anymore . This body exercise lasted many , and many hours . Many and many days . Many and many weeks . They NEVER abandon their weapons or their FRIEND in battle . No matter what .

That was the greatest shame a warrior could have and the punishment was equal . They were NEVER “chickens” in battle . They were NEVER allow any other thought to “brake” their extraordinary focus and “stainless steel” determination . In battle there was only ONE eventuality .


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They didn’t care if the ground was rough , if the weather was minus 10 degrees or 40 Celcius in the hot summer . They didn’t care for the conditions of the battle , the conditions of the field . They didn’t care if they walk over the dead bodies , chopped bodies , chopped body parts blood , sweat and wound fluids .

They didn’t care if they were wounded and how much . If they could walk they chopped the enemy , like UNSTOPPABLE “harvesting” machines which stops only , when the “job” is done .

They kept MOVING FORWARD . They saw only the “other side” .

They focused only in victory and the rest was irrelevant . Their fame haven’t spread in all over the world by luck . You knew , that if fate made you fight them , the Undertaker for you would be the next level (!) . But those Fearless warriors , haven’t trained only their body .

In order to “convince” their bodies to do such achievements , the first “muscle” the focused on , was the MIND . They had invented unique mentality and brain “excercises” , to make their mind untouched from emotions and other stuff , which would cause them problems in the battlefield .

Emotions , physical and mental Pain which gives “birth” to cowardice , tiredness , stresss , anxiety , excuses , Fear , misbelief , the luck element , bad circumstances , fatalism were “blocked” from the Spa…. , from those warriors .

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During the exhausting physical training , they train the young warriors mindset with same meticulousness . They made a circle and in the middle they putted the trainee , and asked him questions together with his trainers .

Mentality Empowerment .

They asked him philoshophical questions , about life , about love , hatred , war , the reason of war , peace , the puprose of man on earth . They asked him about sensitivity , good “civilized” manners , about money , fame , comforts in life , family and kids , society and its rules .

They also asked him questions for the deapest emotions of humans . Kindness , evilness , depression , soul illnesses and the reasons he believed they cause all these . They asked him – “dig” questions very DEEP in his soul and they ‘ve seen his reaction .

They asked him about his sexuality , lust , and other “hidden” secrets , we all have in life . They were very careful to all of this “confession” , because they knew didn’t want to “brake” his personality with the WRONG way .

They wanted to “brake” his personality with their way , and then “Assemble” him “CORRECTLY” and make him a FEARLESS winning “machine” .

The old and experienced Warriors knew , that if in the battlefield , your enemy finds a weak spot on you , in body or in mind , he will take advantage of it and BEAT you . That’s why during the physical training , they were training the young warrior’s mind too .

They knew from experience because they’ve seen so many battles , and in order to become a ruthless victory “machine” , the tiniest detail is the one which matters . The tiniest detail makes you a CHAMPION and in our case , an alive Champion .

That was the reason they put under “unhuman” pressure and training the young boys . Their motivation was nothing else , than creating the BEST warrior in any kind of situation , in any kind of battlefield . And they have made such a good “job” .

Spartans .

The Ancient Spartans were the ULTIMATE WAR MACHINES of all times . Yes my friends we are talking about those astonishing human beings who have managed to “tame” their holistic existance for one CAUSE : VICTORY .

The first recorded “Commando” invasion in history was made by them , some nights before the fight in the Thermopylae . A small team of the most experienced Spartan warriors wen to to kill , Xerxes in his night scene .

They climbed some very dangerous cliffs , with no moon in the complete darkness and invade the place Xerxes and his generals were sleeping . They got into the biggest scene , believing that Xerxes was inside and KILL THEM ALL .

They left the camp believing that they have killed Xerxes but for their bad luck , Xerxes was in another scene doing something . That was the 1st Commando invasion recording in history .

The Ancient Spartans wasn’t only the best fighters in history , but there was the best “teachers” to all of us . They were extremely focused in their Principles and those Principles have made them the Best .

One of those timeless Principle is , Friendship . Not only how can you make good friends in your life , but how you can create lifetime relationships . If you are willing to follow their principles , not only you’ll make friends , but you’ll create relationships for your whole life .

Relationships which FILL “gaps” , not superficial ones for a couple of weeks – months , maybe a couple of years . You know it is a Blessing , been surrounded by people who truly care for you and LOVE you as themselves . Yes this is very difficult , but believe me , it worths beyond gold .

And if we want to be truly honest with ourselves , AREN’T WE ALL SEARCHING FOR THIS IN OUR LIVES ? Aren’t we all searching for our SOUL MATES ?

Why ?

Because no money , no “fat” bank acount , no fame , no glory , no success CAN COMPLETE OUR STARVING FOR LOVE SOUL .

Yes my friends . Life , GOD is wiser than us and HE has made “things” in a specific way .

No matter how many fancy things , materials we have around us , we need the “glue” to “assemble” all these , combined with the humans who surround us , so the “puzzle” of our happiness would be COMPLETE .

And this “glue” was , is and will be till the end of time , LOVE !!!!!!!

So if you want to make friends ( and not only ) , you must be certain that you can LOVE them , as you love yourself . Yes you must be ready to “give yourself” for the happiness of the others , without waiting for anything as a reward .

The Spartans did that , without second thoughts . They were ready to “sacrifice” themselves to save their Brothers . To save the ones with whom they have passed all the hardships of the world .

You think this is easy ?

Ask yourself and your Ego . This “illness” we all have , makes “things” difficult . If you want to make friends and share with them your life path , you should be ready to LOVE them as you love yourself .

1) No sneakyness .

2) No “built for profit” relationships .

3) ZERO lies .

4) Trust at the Maximum .

5) Understanding without questions .

6) Zero slyness .

7) Honest dialogue for everything .

8) “Taming” of your Bad Ego .

9) Willingness to FORGIVE as you want , to be forgiven .

10) Zero “attitude” .

11) Zero need to humiliate others pointing their mistakes and weak spots .

12) Zero need to dominate and devaluate other people in order to “promote” your “cleverness” and your superior (!) personality .

13) Willingness to help others become the best “version” of themselves even if they are better than you .

14) Zero jealousy ( only will to learn from them ) of the achievements of others .

15) Total respect for the beliefs of the others even if you don’t like them much .

16) respect to the dreams of the others and never devaluate them trying to be smarter .

17) Never use the feelings and sensitivity , of the others to “chain” them in any way .

If you are willing to do some of the above and TRY for the rest , you’d be amazed of how many people and friends will get closer to you . All these are tough “things” ?

Winners , or the ones who try to fulfill their goals , do TOUGH things !!!!!


- I'm the admin of the . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of

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