7 Signs Someone is being Fake towards you .

7 Signs Someone is being Fake towards you . 1

We live in very difficult times indeed and fakeness in general , is present in many of our daily activities . Many people choose this life’s path in order to compete maybe the others and win in life .

Of course i don’t recommend you to choose this kind of lifestyle , for many reasons and because this lifestyle has a sort period of happiness and it leaves a lot of “trash” behind .

If you want to see more concerning the way many winners think , read in HERE some “secrets” and tips .

So in order to have an “armor” and confront efficiently the persons that are fake towards you , read this list and use it as you like .

1) A Person that tells and acts , Completely differrent on you , is surely a Fake one .

“Talk is cheap” they say and i complement in here that , many itmes even actons are cheap . If you meet a person , make company with him/her , says specific “things” and acts completely the opposite to his talks , he’s a fake person .

Many times people say much , promise much and “swear” that they’ll do what they say , but they NEVER do . Many times people – “friends” – partners are saying many things in order to temporary persuade , or impress you .

Many times humans say much to create good impressions , “steal” some publicity and be the winners of the night , be the company’s star .

Of course when the day is over , all of these promises – talking are forgotten . You should do what you say and you should mean what you do .

2) Continuous Serious Lies , are a sign of a Fake person.

Many times in life we are “forced” to say some minor importance lies , in order to “escape” of situations , not to hurt someone’s soul maybe , cover some small inportance misunderstandings , et.c .

This is ok and if your intensions are good , these lies aren’t serious ones and aren’t causing inner personality issues .

On the contrary if you find a person who says continuous and consciously lies and these lies aren’t “innocent” ones , fakeness is for sure included to his intensions .

Serious and importand lies are a very serious situation . People can get hurt by lies and this isn’t acceptable if you’re a good and nice person . The reasons of these lies are so many and if you want to see how can you identify if someone is driven by evil , read in HERE .

3) Fake Excuses , to Cover Serious Lies .

When you’re in the “mode” of continuous lies , eventualy there will be a day that you’ll lose control . No matter how smart or capable you’re telling “good” lies , there will be a time that you’ll forget what you’ve said , to the so many people you lie to .

It’s simple mathematics . “Millions” of lies , to “millions” of people , will bring chaos . In order to avoid this chaos , you’ll need to create some excuses to cover the lies of yours . These excuses will be fake too , because they’ll stand on meteor ground . Your lies !!!!

All this is an endless “spiral” and eventually you’ll be exposed . So if you be careful to identify the fake excuses of a person , these excuses , will lead you to the lies and fakeness .

4) A Person who lives a Fake life , is Fake himself .

Many times people act . Many times people pretend to be someone else , than they really are . Many times this applies for their whole life . The life they show they live .

If you “catch” someone , to live a life of this type , for sure it’s fake towards you and his entire social circle , friends , relatives , et.c .

In here i have something VERY SERIOUS to “underline” to you .There are case that people are very ashamed for their environment ( poverty , bad family issues , et.c ) and they want to cover this , pretending to be happy , successful , et.c .

DON’T confuse this kind of lies and fakeness , with the real fake humans who do “things” the way they do , consciously . Most of the times the ones who are ashamed for their lives , are golden heart persons , who are in great pain .

In my opinion it’s VERY WRONG to be ashamed for WHO you are and WHAT you’ve got .

Read in HERE something about poverty , wealth and how to be a Champion , no matter what .

5) Fake Intensions , show Fake People .

It’s very hard to identify the intensions of people the first moment you meet them . This needs more time , except this fake person doesn’t care for covering himself and he’s so obvious fake , than a blind could see .

Usually to uncover and identify the real personality and intensions of a human being needs time . The persons who are fake against you , for sure they have and they reveal fake intensions for you .

They want only to “play” with you , they want only materials from you , money , love maybe , to spend some fun moments with you , to make fun with you joking you to others and stuff like that .

When they’ll take what they want from you , as their true intensions were from the start , they leave you searching for other “victims” .

See HERE 10 signs that people are competing against you .

6) Fakeness is the number one “enemy” of true Trust .

You cannot trust someone who his talking is fake . You cannot trust someone who his actions are fake . You cannot trust someone , who his intensions are fake and sneaky .

Fakeness gives signal to the body too . The body language is a unmistakable sign for someone’s fakeness . His aura and general vibe is also great signs , the one you should do is to TRUST yourself “decoding” these signs .

Beleive in yourself , believe the moments you realize that someone is fake towards you and don’t cover things “under the carpet” .

Wise people say that if you make fun of me once it’s your fault . If you do that AGAIN , it’s MINE !!!

7) Fake people are nice and gentle to you , when they’re happy , Only .

Haven’t you ever experienced many people being nice and kind to you , ONLY when they are happy . Only when they are in the mood . The other times you’ve experienced , ignorance , fake smiles , talks behind your back , “forced” by circumstances tolerance of your presence and tons of fake politeness .

Seems familiar all this ? This means that these people aren’t true against you and their emotions aren’t true emotions . Maybe they have material interests from you , they need help somewhere , et.c .

If you’re a powerful human with money , power , et.c , you know what i mean because you deal with it daily . In your case this called slimy fakeness .

Never be fake , never choose evil in order to win , fight well , fight hard and focus on you , not the distractions .

Champions do THESE , instead of fakeness .


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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