6 Major Signs Someone is completely Evil .

6 Major Signs Someone is completely Evil . 1

I know and understand that many people don’t want to believe that evil exists in our lives . I know that many people think that all these are thoughts of maybe “small” and “old days” minds and that evil exists only in books and fantasy .

I know and understand that many people DON’T WANT to realize that evil exists and that many times ( not saying most of them ) , is what makes people do stuff .

Many times we all do “strange” , not good stuff in our lives driven by evil and the worst part is that , we don’t even know it . Yes , it’s a nice “trick” from it .

I’ve written an article about the toxicity people , remember it in HERE .

Of course there are serious signs that you can identify to see if some one is evil and lets’ see some :

1) The General Aura – Vibe of the Person shows very much about the Evil Driven Person .

Maybe this is the most important sign , in order to identify if a human being is evil . This sign isn’t reachable by our physical senses , but you can only identify eveilness , using your emotional intelligence .

This sign is based of how “sharp” is your personality and capable to identify if someone is an evil person and do the appropriate moves to deal with him .

The general vibe – aura of a person’s character , personality and existance is the “thing” you feel when you FISTLY meet him and say the first typical words . This feeling is very unlikely to be wrong .

This feeling is based in the human insticts , all the humans have and it’s in our deep DNA . It’s a survival instict and it’s attached to us , since the day one of our existance . Trust this first feeling you have for the person you’ve just met .

Notice that i don’t speak about the external looks ( beautiful , short , tall , et.c ) or how smart and capable someone is . I’m talking about the vibe his SOUL emerges . Don’t be confused by brain intelligence and several personality abilities .

2) The sneakiness and the “target” of this Person’s talking .

Usually if someone is driven by evil intensions , their talking and words are very smart chosen to do their evil “job” to another person . They may be extremely capable in the use of words , meanings and general talking , factor that many times make them very “charming” to the audience .

They speak nicely , they smile nicely when they speak their sneakiness talks and if you’re be careful while they’re talking you can identify and feel their “anxiety” to convince you that they’re good persons .

If they succeed , you see their relief . If they not you can also see their covered dissapointment . If you “make the mistake” to uncover them , you’ll see their true identity . They’ll get angry , they’ll accuse you artfully and they’ll do whatever to make you “lose” in front of their audience .

They’ll lose their calmness of course even if they’re “trained” not to let loose .

3) The sneakiness of their Actions , which are way Different than their talking .

Even if there is a posibility this evil person , be very smart and intelligent to cover himself , making some of his actions to be seen nice and good , the majority of an evil’s person actions are “targeted” to evil .

Of course their actions and talking are “focused” to lead you to the “path” they desire and even if they talk nice and sweet , their actions are “miles away” from their talks , at the end of the day . All this process is carefuly “designed” by them in order not to be visible by you .

Sometimes if they’re in a hurry to “lead” you to the evil route they want to drop you , they become clamsy , letting their “covering to fall” , caused by their rush to see you fail , destroyed , depressed , or whatever else , they plan for you .

4) Their Total Fakeness , “smells” from miles away .

In here as in the vibe – aura field , you can identify someone’s evilness , but his general FAKENESS and total lack of authenticity and normality . These persons are completely and totally acting , during all their lives and all the times .

Their evilness and the way they can be more evilcpapble , are 24/7 “job” . These persons are ACTING all the time , even in their more personal moments and it’s very rare to see their true self .

Have you ever seen or heard for crimes which they were designed for years – decades and noone in the environment didn’t notice anything ? Evil knows many ways to hide itself and for sure it uses the bad egoism of humans to achieve its purposes .

Do you know one great place for egoism to hide ? See it in HERE .

5) Eyes NEVER lie .

Become a master in the “reading” of someone’s eyes and eyesight and you’ll be able to identify the evil inside anyone , no matter how well “trained” he is . Eyes are the reflection of soul and no matter how trained you’re to hide your intensions or the evilness inside you , your eyes will unmask you , eventually .

Even if you’re a secret agent , James Bond (!) or whoever else , trained from the best coaches in the world to be “cold – blooded” , you cannot escape from this “law” . Sooner or later your eyesight and the aura of them in the smallest scale , will uncover you and your true self .

A well trained and experienced person can see beyond the efforts you make to hide yourself , having the “ice – cold ” eyesight . So focus in the “decoding” of the human’s eyesights and you’ll find the truth you want , for the person you believe is evil .

See in HERE the eyesight you should have in order to Win in life .

6) The Worst Type of Evil is the Covering One with Sheep’s Fleece .

One of the worst type of evilness you can confront in life is the evil that comes covered with sheep’s fleece . JESUS said to HIS Apostles that : ” I’m sending you among wolves dressed with sheep’s fleece ” .

This type of evil is the worst of al you can find in life . The “covered with kindness & intelligence wolf” driven by evil intensions , is the one you should spend maybe the most of your time , in order to uncover him .

This is maybe your most difficult “mission” but of course if you give him a little time and if you create the “opportunity” for him to uncover , you’ll unmask him eventually . You know , even evil has its weaken spots and even if it’s smart , it isn’t wise !!!!!

Wisdom have only the creatures of GOD and the ones who have the HOLY SPIRIT in them .

Be relaxed , never show anxiety , give them time , be HUMBLE , use your LOVE , pray , believe , use your intelligence and you’ll overcome whatever evil or not obstacle in your way .

Because you know what seperates Winning from losing most of the times ? HERE it is .


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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