6 Signs , that you’re dealing with a Hater .

6 Signs , that you're dealing with a Hater . 1

Unfortunately in life there is evil and good , love and hatred and so any other strong human passions that most of the times , are controling our lives . Hatred is one major passion we all have felt even once inour lifetimes , no matter how good think you are .

Hatred usually comes together with the bad egoism and it uses our bad egoism as a “fuel” . The most sneaky thing is that most of the times , we don’t even realize thsi situation and we fell into this ancient “trap” .

If you want a reminder about what the bad egoism can do and where it “hides” , read in HERE .

So , i’m certain that in your life you’ve experienced situations of people hating you and many times , hate you big . I’m also certain that most of the times , you realized that when it was too late and after a long period of time .

Yes , many times driven by your kindness maybe , you didn’t “want to believe it” , even if the signs were there and in front of your eyes .

So read in here some of the most visible signs that you’re dealing with a hater :

1) Many times a Hater Offends you hard , brutally and Directly .

This is maybe the most easy case that you’re dealing with a hater person. Your hater doesn’t care to cover himself and his true motives and he offends you in front others , straight and directly . In most of the cases the more the others are , the better .

He offends you right in fronto f your eyes and no matter how big he sees that you’re hurt , he doesn’t care . He hates you so much and he wants to “bleed” you right now and very huge . No matter how he sees that even the other surroundings resent “all this” he’s doing , he just keeps going offending you .

In that way , he thinks that you’ll lose hard and he’ll be the winner in front of the others eyes . Of course this isn’t happening and the other surroundings just lowering their heads , from shame for his behavior .

Keep your TRUE HUMBLENESS and don’t let this to hurt your fellings . Hatred has big power among humans .

2) A more sneaky Hater he’ll Offend you , Sideways .

In here the situation is the same as the above, with the difference that in here your hater is more capable to hide his feelings from you and the others or he thinks that !!!

In here your hater will try to offend you , having the same level of hatred as the direct hater , but he’ll try to find ways to do that and not be so visible . He wants to offend you and be nice the same time to your environmnet .

He thinks that in this way , the other people will believe his “innocent” intensions concerning the criticism he does to you . He thinks that in this sideways way , he’ll be more believable and he’ll avoid any “damage” .

These two first more brutal ways and signs of a hater may be for many people as bullying situations , because they’re very direct deep down . Of course you should be aware and prepared to confront bullying , constalty in your life .

See something relevant in HERE .

3) In Happy and Relaxed situations , Sneaky Irony of you is a Clear Sign of a Hater .

Many times a hater doesn’t want , or fear , or he doesn’t want to be visible at all to others , so he chooses another time to do his “hits” .

A “perfect” time for a hater to “strike” and be visible only by you , are the times you’re relaxed , having kind of loose mood and you’re having fun with your mates and company . Maybe when all of you , have drunk a couple glasses of wine , near the sea , in your holidays , et.c .

These times when the human companies and friends are more loose than usual . When people are truly happy and having good times , a hater can “hit” you and your “open” psychology .

To tell you the truth these times ar maybe the more “perfect” times . These times , your mind “defences” and intelligence quickness our more lower than usual . I suppose it’s like boxing .

It’s easier to go fior the knock out when the arms of your opponent are low .

So these times are perfect for your hater to “knock you out” . He “hits” you with the spead of light , noone notice anything because they are in the relax “mode” and the “work is done” .

Of course your hater doesn’t know that he’s dealing with a person whose life is a continue battle to be better and be the leader of his life . These type of humans NEVER let anything to lack and observe everything , all the times .

See some details for this in HERE .

4) When you Fail , a Hater is Secretly Happy .

This is called grudge and it’s an “ancient” sign that someone is a hater . Most of the times he’ll knock you in the back “friendly” because he “sympathize” your bad situation , but if you had this moment a happiness counter , it would explode !!!!

When you fail , your hater is happy and maybe this the best “gift” to him by you . They “inflate” from happiness and no matter how hard they try not to see this , their body language betrays them .

5) A Hater doesn’t Really wants your Companionship .

Many times your haters are “forced” by external circunstances to have you among their friends . Many times other people like your companionship , your personality , your character , et.c and all this makes your hater to “tolerate” you .

Maybe you and your hater are relatives and blood bonds are making him to tolerate you . Maybe job bonds( and if you’re superior than him even worst ) “force” him to tolerate you . Maybe money issues and other material interests , “force” him to tolerate your presence , but deep down he hates your guts .

You see and identify his true emotions for you , when you firstly arrive to a company he’s present already . “Frosen – political correct” smiles and eyesight don’t tell lies .

6) Hatred “enriched” with Pure Evilness , are a “dangerous” combination and a huge sign of Hate .

If your hater is an evil person too , you’ll have a more “dangerous” situation to confront . Your hater will “strike” and will try to “strike” your personality’s core hard . He’ll make direct and sideways comments for your external appearance and he’ll be hugely ironic for any disadvantage your external look has .

He knows that humans are colossal affected from bad comments , concerning their external looks . These are very deep emptions and complexes ALL people have and can damage a soul very hard . They leave “scars” very deeply , to anyone , no matter how intelligent or whatever else he is .

But will you let inner complexes , stop you ? Read in HERE some thoughts and “secrets” for this .

No matter how many are your haters out here , if you’re prepared mentally and psysically , nothing can harm you . Use the above hatred signs , make your “roadmap” and keep focusing to your target .


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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