6 Reasons Why People , Hate you .

6 Reasons Why People , Hate you . 1

Hatred , jealousy and some other bad emotions are immortal situations and they exist since the creation of the human kind . These emotions aren’t current ones .

I don’t know , maybe they’re attached to the human DNA and mostly they’re attached to the lower animal insticts of the human beings . No matter who you are , you cannot avoid completely in your life these situations and you’ll “meet” them eventually in your life sometime .

Of course the way you’ll react to these emotions is very crucial and if you want to see how hatred and other bad emotions weaken and blind you , silently , read THIS .

So let’s see these 6 timeless reasons why people hate you .

1) Some People just Love to Hate , with no specific reasons .

Some people just love to hate and they have the hatred feeling , very high in their life’s values . Most of the times they hate , with no specific and justified reasons . They just love to hate , whatever and whoever they judge they should .

Maybe they don’t like your face , your attitude , your hairstyle , the way you touch your keys and many more countless and most of the times , worthless reasons .

Most of the times you’ll recognise them immediately , because they don’t even try to hide these feelings for you . In my opinion this case is maybe the most “innocent” and childish one and these people cannot harm you . They just hate you , not driven by evil .

You just avoid them with a smile and continue your life .

2) Some people Hate you , because you’re Better than them .

In here the hatred emotions are deeper . Many people won’t see your talents and character abilities with “good eyes” and mood .

Many people instead of “invest” to themselves and how they can become better and maybe beat you sometime in the future , they choose to hate you because in some point you win them .

Some people instead of pushing themselves to be the best version of themselves they choose to listen this tiny voice inside their minds telling them “bad things” .

Read in HERE what this sneaky voice tells them and makes them quit so soon .

3) Some people Hate you , because you’re about to become better than them .

Many people they’ll feel very deep hatred emotions for you , during the process of becoming better than them . You know this process is very painful for them .

To watch you , every day becoming better and better and eventually reach your goal . This process is like “crucifixion” for them . Their ego cannot accept that you’re so good and you’re about to win .

Yes , this is a matter of false ego of course and the efect it has above the human’s lives . The good competitive ego with moral “laws” will make you a Champion , while the false one will give millions of troubles .

If you want to see where the false ego “hides” , read THIS post of mine .

4) Some people will Hate you , because you’re trying in the Field they Failed .

This is another VERY painful situation for the people who hate you . If you’re trying to an area they have failed in the past , you’re making them feel bad and useless .

You’re making them feel talentless and incapable and this my friend “bleeds” very much the existance core of a human being . This will unveil very bad emotions and complexes for you and of course you won’t avoid hatred .

5) Some people will Hate you , because you DON’T stop trying , even if you have Failures .

Everybody has failures in his life , no matter who he is and how successful he is . Even unbeatable World Champions and long term Winners fail . But , they don’t stop trying . So simple .

If you do the same thing , some people will feel threaten from this strength of yours , instead of feel inspired from you .

Read in HERE what one of my favorite World Champion suggest concerning winning and losing .

6) Some people will Hate you , when you finally Win .

Your final victory and “crown” will demolish many egos , outhere . And when an ego is demolished it’s very hard for the human to deal and control , all this .

The “easy” way , is to hate the one who did what others couldn’t do or stop trying so soon .

You know a winner or a World Champion , was once a competitor who just didn’t stop trying .

have all the above in the “back of your mind” , inorder to react correctly in front of these situations and remember this : NEVER hate back and you’ll see magic at the end of the day .


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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