What is War ? ( a “unknown” soldier story .)

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 1

I’m no Noone . I’m the Unknown . I was born in a small village somewhere in Europe from a poor family . I was the last child of that family and those days all families , had many childrens .

Not because they couldn’t “control” themselves , as the free animals in nature , but because they needed many hands , to help the family in the fields . So all families gave birth to many children and “prayed” for boys , “more” than they prayed for girls , for the reason above .

No that times the meanings and words as racism , intolerance and “stuff” like that , wasn’t their motivation . Poverty and need were . Strong boys were the best helpers for the father of the house and a great supporting “tool” .

Yes those times at the beginning of the 19th century , people were stiff – necked , than today .

They were survivers and they had to survive , through extremely tough conditions . So before you hurry maybe to judge them , you maybe should consider that period’s , conditions . My country was in a continuous poverty as many others on my continent , Europe .

The continuous small and bigger Wars , have made the whole Europe entering a poverty “spiral” , trying with all its powers to stand on its feet . The defeated countries were in economical mess and the winner countries were in the same mess because of the money “bleeding” in order to win .

You know , in a War , NOONE truly Wins .

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 2

Both sides have wounds and time is the only one that can heal them . So have in mind the extra problems my country had , because it wasn’t a very strong country as others .

Our army was almost vanished and needed rebuilt from its “ashes” , our health system existed only in our memory , our food production lines were vanished and needed restart and in general , my hole country had serious mammoth issues .

So in such hard conditions was born and raised . I was the last child of my family and i was the only boy . My parents were so happy for it and mostly my father . He would have at last someone to leave behind when he will go from this life . At last he had a successor for his “throne” .

He couldn’t imagine back then what my future would be ……

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 3

I don’t remember much from my early baby years , but later as a tiny child i remember many things . First of all i remember that the food was never enough , for all the members of my family . Nevertheless , my parents were always keeping the biggest share for me .

I was the boy and i should have as plenty food as they could find , in order to grow and become a strong man . My sisters didn’t say anything , but i always tried to share with them the extra food . Of course when my parents weren’t there to see me . I Loved my sisters and they Loved me too .

Those days , we didn’t have anything else than our Love . We didn’t have anything to hold on , than our body and soul powers . And when the body gets tired , your soul’s “reserves” , take action.
We had only each other . Nothing else . But we managed to survive .

My childhood years were sort and don’t ask me for toys and flashy things . The toys we had were built by us and from whatever we could find in nature , in the forest and in trush .

Small balls from old socks and leather , wooden wheels and bicycles , rocks we sculptured to be like balls , 2 big rocks for our football goalposts and stuff like that .

You know poverty and tough conditions , force you to become inventive and try to have fun with everything you can . To tell you the truth those times weren’t too bad(!) .

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 4

Poverty yes , but fantastic human relationships and honesty in everyting you did . I don’t know maybe , when humans have tough times , they let their brighter side of them FREE and “available” to all .

The years were passing by , with their good moments and with the bad ones , but in life everything is changing .

It’s an unwritten “law” and it gets you , no matter who you are and how much you have in your pockets . I had so many friends in my small village . After the jobs we did for our families , we’ve spend our time in the forest near the rivers , fishing , playing and sharing a small candy anyone had in his pockets , “stolen” from his home .

Many times the grandmothers of the village , were giving us a candy or a sweet they’ve made , after the help we were giving them , with some work in the house . So the time was passing well , and it was time to go to school .

The nearest school was 3 miles away and i should walk the distance twice a day in order to follow the schedule . I liked school . So many new things , so many new situations unknown to us the children of the village . I finished the primary school and the first couple of high school classes .

The fields needed hands so i didn’t continue to the next classes . I must admit that i was very upset for this , because i liked school and as my teachers said , i was good at it .

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 5

But the house needed food , so the dream to educate myself more , gone for ever . After sometime , i left all this behind me and i compromised . But i NEVER forgot .

I was in my early teenage years and things in my family was well enough , considering the general tough conditions . My oldest sister got married to a very good guy , from our village and she was waited her first child .

We didn’t know if this child would be a boy or a girl and i personally , didn’t care , even if the general “philoshophy” wanted boys . My life was as the ones of the others in family and the hole village .

Early wake – ups in the mornings , hard work in our fields with ONLY hand tools and return home , when just before the darkness of the night .
During the winters this time is quite early around 5:00 at afternoon and the summers , a couple of hours later . After that and IF i had body powers left , i was going outside to the central square of our village to see my cousins and friends and relax a little bit from the exhausted day .

We didn’t have any money and if anyone had some , he was going to the local coffee – grocery “all in one” shop , to buy a small sweet or something like that , for all the rest of us . The hard work in the fields has made my muscles grow fast and that was recognizable from the girls of my village .

If i say i didn’t like that , i’d lie . So the years were passing and in a copule of months i would be an adult . I wouldn’t be a kid anymore . My responsibilities for my family would be bigger and as my father has said to me : ” You are not a kid anymore , you are a man and you should behave as a man ” .

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That meant to take more responsibilities on my shoulders , concerning the work in the fields and finding a nice girl to marry . Back then it was very normal in our small societies , to marry very young . So with these thoughts in my mind , i began to make plans .

I would work harder to buy some more fields to grow my family’s property and marry the priest’s daughter i had “targeted” , a couple of months ago .
Yes my future seemed to be quite good and i should prepare it , to become even more better .

But “things” in life aren’t always as we expected to be . The “clouds of War” is above my continent and “things” aren’t good . The previous wars and conflicts have left many unsolved problems between
the countries and big country is moving extremely aggressive to the other countries .

We cannot avoid the generalized War , the older in my village’s coffee shop say and a generic “shadow” is spreading all over my village . Men and Women are trying to get information as much as they can ,
but the newspapers are arriving every friday .

No , TV was an unknown word back then , almost in the middle of the 19th century . And our worst nightmares , did came . This hugely aggressive country , attacked to all the others in my continent and as it seemed , it wanted to attack and cause problems to the whole world .

My country declared general mobilization for all the men who were in the age of the army , and of course i was in .

I haven’t gone even for my military servise , but this times are gigantic serious . Everybody , who could hold a weapon were on the go to the capital and military camps , to get the weapons equipment and go to the first line of this global War .

Of course i wasn’t an exception . I said goodbye to my parents , my sisters , and everyone else who stayed behind and the tears of my mother’s eyes could compared with the biggest river i known . She “forced” me to PROMISE her that i’ll get BACK and i PROMISED her that .

But promises are such difficult “things” !!!!

What is War ? ( a "unknown" soldier story .) 7

I went to a military camp , 200 miles away and that was the first time i was away from my village to the “outside” world . It wasn’t “exactly” as i’ve dreamed it of course . Me and the other guys were trying to learn as many as we could and the most importand , where we are about to go .

In what War territory and how hard are the situation there . The military officials gave us our personal armor and they expailed to us as many , as they could .

I haven’t touched before an army weapon . I haven’t seen before a real bullet . It was so small , but this “thing” TAKE LIVES . This tiny “thing” , KILLS .

I spend the next couple of hours , trying to learn as much as i could for the use , of all these . The older ones , showed to the”newbies” many things . During these “lessons” we tried to make some jokes and “warm” the atmosphere a little , but you can sense the colossal anxiety .

We are the COMMON” PEOPLE , who will try to do our best . We began our route to the front War line , in the middle of the night so with the first light , being ready to reinforce the other soldiers .

We arrived just before the sunrise and the “things” my eyes saw , was beyond my village – boy imagination , or the things we’ve seen in the movies .

The smell of the explosion’s gunpowder was all over the place . A military man splitted us , to smaller teams and send us to several spots .

Everything was new , everyone were new and my brain tried to get used to this new “data” . I was putted in a unit which its main mission was to made patrols and inform the other units , for possible dangers .

The War scene in the entire area was very bad . Wounded men , some very badly and some kind of ligher , were all over the place . And that smell . Oh, that smell i will never forget .

The combination of burned materials from the bombing , the smell of dry blood and the rotten body parts , the gunpowder , the dirty clothes with mud , lice , body fluids and more is something i’ll NEVER forget as long as i live . And voices from all over the place .

Voices which command , voices which screamed for help , voices which screaming from pain , voices which were the LAST voices , voices which cried when noone was around , voices of encouragement ,
voices of empty hope , voices , voices , voices .

One night my patrol team , didn’t listen carefully those voices , which told us to be more carefull than usual and after an amsush and a small gun fight , the enemy caught us . From my team , only me and another guy didn’t get killed and we were on the road to the enemy’s camp .

We arrived after a while and were putted in a warehouse with some other captives . My psychology was in a very bad condition , but i said to myself NOT TO LOSE FAITH . I MUSTN’T “brake” and who knows , maybe i’ll manage to do something .

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These times , the worst thing it can happen to you , is to lose your brain from FEAR and surrender to terror . I’ll hold on and try to find a solution . In order to keep my mind occupied , i’ll watch carefully my enemy trying to understand what “kind of enemy this is” .

What kind of humans are these “guys” who had began a War against all . They were big and angry all the times . Of course i didn’t expect to see kindness in them for us .

We were the enemy they had captured and they treated us , as that . The food was only something like a bee soup and a piece of bread for the entire day .

I could handle it , but there were other soldiers who were wounded and needed more . But of course nobody cared . And not only that . Our guards and all the enemy’s soldiers were having fun with our situation and they didn’t seem to seen us , as human beings .

They feed their dogs better and , i’ve seen in their eyes their despise for us . I didn’t know what language they talked to , but i could sense that , if they had the appropriate license , they wouldn’t hesitate to kill all of us , with great happiness and relief . I’ve seen them . Hatred had conquered all their existance .

They didn’t think as human beings . They acted only with their animal insticts . As if they weren’t borned from mothers , but from “machines” .
They were “machine” men . You counldn’t separate them , by their looks . They were all the same , full of intolerance and “darkness” inside them .

I don’t know if War made them like that , or they were the same before this Damn War . They felt happiness , from the pain of the others in such huge grade , which made me wonder if War has so much power to change the human souls , or the War is just an EXCUSE .

I thought that those “machine” men , found happiness from this War , because they would have the opportunity to FREE themselves and do what they REALLY wanted in life .
JESUS , is this really that kind of an “animal” , the human beings ?

Animals kill to eat , but people for so many other reasons . And the most importand they find so many excuses to JUSTIFY their darkest insticts . In the few school classes i went , i’ve read about so many Wars the human race did , in its thousand years history on earth .

Many of them were from food and survival . Many for power and domination to the weakest . Many for defence and freedom .
Many to expansion . Many for glory and wealth . Many for religions . Many from “self – baptized” “good reasons” .

Many from the fear of the unknown . Many for politics . Almost all of them for future profit . In almost all its history , humanity is battling with each other making small or big wars .

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Humans thought that there was NO OTHER WAY for their problems to be solved . And as long as humanity exists , there were always problems which needed solutions .

I suppose it is a natural thing . We are so many , so different to each other , with differences in all fields and with different needs and different personalities , but are wars the best way to find solutions to our problems ?

As it seems the human race hasn’t found efficient ways to solve problems , between its nations . And it is so strange for me . There are so many intelligent people outhere . Doctors , architects , lawyers , politicians , researchers and inventors and so many other mammoth clever guys and girls .

I’ve heard in my tiny poor village , that man is about to make space trips to the moon and in the next decades we will for sure . It isn’t possible so clever people , not to have the abilities to find solutions , without War conficts .

I was always believed that , the human brain and spirit can achieve anything . Ok no guys like me , i’ve told you in the beginning i am the “common” guy , but the other ones . The educated ones . I always believed that if you have a smart brain , you can beat any obstacle in your life .

But i suppose “things” in life are more complex and they don’t rely ony in cleverness . I see it very clearly here in this cell of War . In these circustances , you can see straight in front of your eyes and NOT from books , what humans can do when they have the ultimate power on you .

The power to let you live , or send you to the firing squad . In here and when you have the absolute power against your enemy and the ” excuse” of War , you do what your soul REALLY wants . You don’t care who sees you , who judge you , who criticize you .

You do what you want to do and you don’t need “excuses” . And if your soul has “issues” , the result of your actions are always bad . I see my guards do so many BAD “things” to all of us the captives without second thoughts because this is War : “everything is accepted” .

This “excuse” , unveils so much DARKNESS from people’ soul .

Not all of course but the ones who don’t fight continuously , their inner darkness which ALL have . Inside everyone , BLACK and WHITE exist . If we don’t have in mind , that our Dark side’s “FOOD” is false EGO , we becoming something else than humans .

And the worst thing is that , we don’t even realise that . Stop searching the causes of Wars through history of mankind .

WE ARE the causes .

They aren’t “Aliens” from other planets to “force” us do Wars . It is our fault , because we don’t make soul searching and soul improving .
We always search for complex reasons , avoiding to see the Truth . Wars exist first inside us and then “incarnate” to weapons and bullets .

War is the result of our FAILED tries to become better humans !!!!!!

But the DARK night is living and the first DAY’s light is coming . Will i survive this day ? Will I and the others will survive for another day ? Will we survive from this Damn War ?

I want so much to return home . I don’t want to “brake” promises , even if i’m the UNKNOWN “COMMON” SOLDIER ……


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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