What is Intelligence ?

What is Intelligence ? 1

Every question which cannot be defined with “solid” mathematical laws , laws which we the human beings have agreed that they cannot be questioned , is a very difficult question to be answered with 100% certainty , and accepted by all .

So What is Intelligence in real life ?

Intelligence is an Ability and of course this isn’t something we can touch and feel using our fleshy skin and our sense of touch . Using other senses , we can be aware of the Intelligence factor , but with our sense touch no . Intelligence is Intangible !!!!!!!!

It isn’t a “thing” we can grab , buy , sell , give , receive , throw away , rent(!) or something like that .

Psychologists , Psychiatrists , doctors in general , philoshophers , communicators , writers and humans of the art and spirit and many others , i suppose they have tried to give an answer to this question .

What is Intelligence ? 2

They have tried to put into ” mind boxes and molds ” , the interpretation of this so timeless question . These researchers and scientists say that :

“Intelligence is the human’s brain ability to make thoughts by his own , which these thoughts are created by his environment facts . Intelligence is the ability to rationalize facts , to give solutions to problems in his daily life , the ability to learn new “things” , to predict future facts by indications , to adapt facing several situations .

They continue , saying that intelligence is the result of the million – billion – trillion nerve cells the human beings have and the connections these cells have .

All the above are fulfilled by human’s consciousness . These elite and very highly trained scientists and especially Dr.Robert Sternberg , continue and inform us that there are 3 types of intelligence .

What is Intelligence ? 3

What are the 3 types of intelligence ?

1) The practical intelligence

2) The creative intelligence
3) The analytical intelligence .

Let’s say some elements about these 3 types of intelligence as Dr.Robert Sternberg a famous psyciatrist say .

1) The practical intelligence is the “thing” we used to say in our daily communications as ” Common Sense ” . Is the meaning we give to a person who has advanced abilities in the “streets” and can handle many different situations , showing great skills .
It is s the ability to adapt and give very quick solutions to quick and unknown to you problems .It is the ability to adapt in a glimpse and take the right decision , changing your approach if needed and have an “open mind” ,in order to give the best possible solution for you .

So it is very importand in order to develop your practical intelligence , to be an “open thinker” , not having useless stereotypes and be willing to reset and clear your brain’s “hard-dic” , as many times you need to .

Don’t you forget . Your “target” is to find solutions , so your brain effords must be focused in the solutions and nowhere else .

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2) Creative intelligence is your ability to deal with a problem and give a completely new and singular solution .

Is the ability , you must have and deal with a completely new and unfamiliar problem to you and give a new solution which will be original and only yours !!!!

This proceess should be taken very fast and without much thought and measurement , it must be impuslive and automatic by you .
Use your imagination to approach the problem from a new side and use the “weapons” nature has given to you , to give solution .

These “weapons” of yours are many and the choise , of how you’ll use them is up your personal judgement .

You must be creative , innovating , you must have intuition , perception and high spiritual curiosity . combine all them and use the in the dosage you need .

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3) Analytical intelligence ,is your mind’s ability to “break” into many pieces the problem you’re facing and give to any of these smaller problems , the appropriate solution .

After that the solution of the entire problem will be easy and almost done , in the “auto mode ” .

In order to make the “job” easier for you , when you facing a new and difficult problem , it’s easier and some times more efficient , to separate the problem in smaller ones .How much smaller it’s up your judgement .

After this separation you deal with each small problem ,solving them using whatever method you want and it can be different for every each of them . After you’ve solved these small problems , you unite them together and the entire problems has solved .

If you have any idea about the computer programming , this is a “column” base to make algorithms .

Algorithm is the specific number of actions you make , in order to solve a specific problem , with the best efficient way , in a specific ammount of time . The actions you’ll make to solve this algorythm – problem you have , must be strictly measurable and strictly achievable .

And just for encyclopedia reasons or whatever , the word algorithm came from a Persian mathematician in the 825B.C , the Abu Ja’Far Mohammed ibn Musa from a research he made and his work began with the word : ” Algorithm digit….” .

So we have some answers from scientists about the definition of intelligence and as you can understand .

As we evolute as humans , our knowledges evolute , our theories evolute seeking always to discover the truth . ” Everything Moves ” , as the Heraclitus have said , back in the 6th and 5th century B.C .

What is Intelligence ? 6

So we came to my favorite part of this “quest” about intelligence .

What is intelligence in your own words ?

Intelligence is the ability of your brain , your heart’s , your soul and your hole existance to predict a situation , to recognise a situation ( problem or not ) , to analyze its sections and parameters ,to understand completely these parameters .

During and alongside this brain proceess of yours , you must visualize and draw your plan ….. in order to give the best achievable , acceptable , with minimum “damage” , less effort …. with the highest personal morality “laws” obeyance maximum possible effectiveness maximum timelessness , SOLUTION !!!!!

Why the highest personal morality “law” obeyance ?

Because what is the value of giving the best solution to a problem of yours , if you have crossed all your personal “red lines” , in order to Win the situation ?

What is the value of winning anything in life , if you “lose” yourself and demolish your one and only precious soul ? What is the value to “earn” the clapping , if you don’t deserve it ?

Because everybody may clap you , thinking that you are the best , or you gave the best possible solution to a problem but YOU will always know that this is all fake . And believe me this hurts as few “things” in life …

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So , Intelligence is atool you have , and be given by GOD , nature … whatever you believe your creator is , and it has been given toyou the moment you took your first breath . This so significant “tool” , is a “supply” , to help you survive in life’s “war zone” .

And there are so many different obstacles in life , and so many combinations of these obstacles and challenges you’ll deal during your lifetime .

Intelligence is the capability your mind has , to give solutions and it is the result of the trillion connections your nerve cells have . If in this brain ability of yours to calculate facts , elements , “data” …. you supplement :

your conscious , your spirit , your heart’s power , you soul’s experiences , your intuition , your empathy , your logic your sharp perception ,

your talent to pick the right timing for action or not , the power of your emotional world , you widen your intelligence’s limits and become complete . You give solutions very close to perfection , if there is such a thing .

Lionel Messi , Cristiano Ronaldo , Maradona , Zidane , Michael Jordan , Lebron James , Valentino Rossi , Lewis Hamilton , Roger Federer , Michael Phelps , Mike Tyson , the legendary Hypermarathon Giannis Kouros , the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger , Mrs Serena Williams , or whoever in this highest level in the hole globe ,don’t let “things” to luck .

These people dream goals , visualize goals , “surgically” plan goals , follow their plans no matter what ,fail much but rise much + 1(!) , learn from failures , adapt from failures , continue to move to the direction they want and achieve !!!!!

These humans , till the “end of the road” , they organize every single detail , measured in the nano scale(!) and do what it takes calculating all the possible problems they think they’ll find in their way .

What is Intelligence ? 8

They have 2 alarm clocks and maybe a backup(!) ,so they will never loose a tiny minute from their morning training . They have all the breakfast food they need , even if the markets are on strike for a couple of days or a week .

They order from the next neighborhood , the next town , the next whatever . They have informed for the strike and they ‘ve made the moves it needed .

They have spare shoes , T-shirts , water bottles , supplements … equipment in the back of their warehouse ,in their cars so nothing would interupt them from their training routine .

They have seen the weather and acting accordingly to prepare themselves .

They have extra money , extra cell phones battery , road help phones if something goes wrong during their way to the gym or stadium , so they would not loose much more time from training .

If they are using buses or the subway ,they’ve always dressed properly for each weather condition and adapt in a glimpse . They train , eat , sleep , rest , go to the toilet (!), smile , scratch their heads(!) … all in the way they have planned .

No “discounts” are acceptable . They have no excuses , because they know that the time you’ll “discover” excuses ,you’ll “discover” failure too !!!!

They collect information for the day they will compete , about everything they can .

If the football stadium has grass “themes” , if the tennis court is vonulnerable to rain and the weather prediction shows rain the time of the game , if the race track has new tarmac so the tyres will face extreme wear ,

If their opponents has problems , what problems are these , in what shape they are . If they’ve spread “fake news” that they have problems , in order to underestimate them If they realy have injuries and they hide them playing “mind games” .

If they are testing some new techniques and what techniques are these . If the equipment they use has some “issues” so i can adapt my strategy to “hit” them in that weak spots . If they have some personal problems which will affect their performance and the list is endless .

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All these “data” ,is gathered and processed and the solution will come out from the “work” the human’s brain does .

Your intelligence is thesoftwareof all this process . And how the software becomes better and better ?

By having the willingness to test new methods , by don’t afraid to make mistakes and NEVER STOP MOVING FORWARD .


- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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