Use truly this “Weapon” and you’ll Win anything in Life .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 1

You were never meant to live . You were never meant to had a successful birth in that so poor hospital and with noone near you , to give you , your “welcoming” hug . Yes the doctors and nurses who tried so much for your life gave you your first hugs , but you wanted more .

You needed more and you didn’t have it . You grandfather and mother took you home . The “others” didn’t care much . You had some problems and the food your early days wasn’t food . They’ve given you , whatever they had and you had some care when your grand’s came to see you .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 2

Your body was kind of weaker than the other babies and that made your parents to care for you less . They didn’t expected you to live , so they left you in your fate and GOD . They’ve given you a couple of eyesights during the day and that was it .

You managed to live and they didn’t care either . Their care was the same and maybe less . You were “OK” , moreover . But you were grown and the problems were grown , either . Your parents weren’t boxers(!) , but many times your small body had the boxer’s wounds on it .

And these wounds were hurt you so much at nights , when you tried to heal yourself with some cream and medicine .

You didn’t have any medicine and cream for the “OTHERwounds . The inside ones . But you tried not to think of them , even if when you tried to sleep , the FEAR of tomorrow didn’t let you .

You were a small child and the world of the “big” ones was made by fears . Big and scary fears . Would you be able to live without any fears ?

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 3

The days were passing , the years were passing and the daily abuse of you , was your “routine” . They said to you that you are dumb and you believed that you were damn . They beat you down , cause you were dumb and you accepted that , as normal .

They said that you are not worthy much and you believed them . They beat you down , cause you are worthless and you accepted that , as normal . They underestimate whatever you did , make you feel worthless and you accepted that , as normal .

You first teachers didn’t have any faith on you and you accepted that , as normal . All you teachers didn’t have any faith on you and you accepted that , as normal . All you teachers showed to you that you are a “lost case” and you accepted that , as normal .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 4

You didn’t have any real friends and you accepted , that you are worthless to have some real friends . Your first boy/girlfriend left you alone and you accepted that , because you’re worthless of course . Your next boy/girlfriends left you and you thought that they did good because you are worthless .

All your lovers / wifes / husbands , left you all ALONE and you thought that this was the fate you “should have” , because you’re worthless for another time . All your occasionally “friends” and relatives abandoned you to fight all ALONE and you tought that was very normal . You are a “lost case” .

You got fired from your first job , because they said you made many mistakes . You got fired from your second job , because they made it for you to “make many mistakes” .

You have no job , at all . You have no job , you like , at all and you’re so AFRAID to start your own , because you are worthless , of course .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 5

All these affected your health , your body is having big troubles and your soul cannot support it . You are so sick inside you and you haven’t realize that , all these years of “silent” torture . You want to do something but you fell so worthless . This is the only way you KNOW , to feel for youself .

The days are passing , the years are passing and this torture “spiral” isn’t ending . You don’t know how you can “escape” from all this and you think that “superman” will come and save you .

You know deep inside you that if you START to TRY for something , you may do a good “job” , because you are a hard worker , but ALL YOUR LIFE they said that you are worthless .

How can you do it by your own , without any external help ? Self – esteem is an “unknown” word for you , because you didn’t have it in your life . You haven’t “taste” what self – esteem is , what self respect is , what caring for yourself is , what BELIEVE IN YOURSELF IS .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 6

You feel so “traped” in yourself , in circumstances , in your failures , in your half attemps , in the ironic smiles of the others , in the fear of loosing , in the SO SCARY FEAR that you’re TRULY worthless .

All this makes you not being yourself many times . All this makes you , thought bad thoughts . All this makes you curse . All this makes you curse so “LOUD” INSIDE YOU .

All this makes you fear more , cause these curses didn’t do your situation better . They were “empty” foolish curses , trying to find solutions and thinking that cursing , will fix “things” .

Yes , you were so fool and yes you stopped cursing . You MUST fix “things” and you need to find the right “tools” for it . You need to LEARN FROM SCRATCH , to start believing in yourself , no matter how difficult this would be .

You need to start all oven again from the total zero and this time do the ‘job” the right way . YOUR WAY .

Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 7

No matter who you are , from were you started , how much you have , how “worthless” you think you are , “wisely” driven by situations and people . No matter how hard life has hitted you and how many times in a row , CHOOSE YOUR “WEAPONS” WISELY , if you want to WIN .

There are soul and personality’s weapons , which cannot be bought with money or whatever . These “weapons” are your tools for your success if you use them in all of their “range” .


Use truly this "Weapon" and you'll Win anything in Life . 8

And you know the “TOP of the pyramid” on these “weapons” ? Can you guess ?

Yes the Champions know very well this “weapon” and they use it so wisely , whenever they need to win .

LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- I'm the admin of the . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of

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