I have 3 molecules , i’m a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !!

I have 3 molecules , i'm a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !! 1

Myprimitive , basic excistance was created a couple of days before , you humans was created .I suppose the wisdom of our CREATOR , have putted me in a position so crucial for the entire creation , knowing my significance .

Some Greek ( and not only of course ) poets ,philosophers ,in some of their bibliography texts ,they say that inside me and my total beautifulness , GOD himself exists and visits HIS creation , through me .

Who knows , maybe they sense correctly .

In my primitive , basic form , i’m the ” blood ” of your planet .That’s why i was created so timely close to the solid earth creation. Without me , life would have been impossible .

If my presence for some reason ends , you humans will end . Without me , no animal , bird , fish , human or whatever else , heart from flesh and blood , can beat .

I ” rule ” your heartbeat and the normality of the functions of your precious biological body .

I have 3 molecules , i'm a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !! 2

In my primitive , basic form i feed you ,with so many rich and flavor foods through time , especially the time you , humans discovered fire and ways to cook me better .

But i also i feed the animals you breed for your food and survival , making the creation green and fertile .

I control your planets climate ,temperature ,humidity ,seasons ,mammals reproduction ,plant and trees reproduction , the ups and downs of the pain by your knees arthitis !!!!!! .

In myprimitive , basic form i control the easiness of your breath . If ” i’m not in the mood “ , i don’t let you see the blue sky , the sunrise and the romantic sunset holding your love mate .

I have 3 molecules , i'm a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !! 3

If ” i’m not in the mood “ , i ” hide ” from you , for several months and make you dance some strange dances , begging me to appear .

If ” i’m not in the mood “ , i take my liquid or solid form and never let go out you house for as many days i want .

You can play with me the summer months mostly , but if you disrespect me , a spoonful of me(!) can take your life , very easily .

You’ve already know it , but i want to refresh your memory , saying that not quiet a long from our creation , GOD used me to terminate the 99,9999999 % of your kind, to correct your wrong life arrogant path .

But when ” i’m in the mood ” , i’m so cool(!!!) . I keep you and your clothes clean .I cool your temperature in the summer and keep your body ” clean ” from toxins and stuff .

I made your brain smarter , so he can create ” things ” to explore me and the new places i would have taken you .

I have 3 molecules , i'm a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !! 4

I made you explorer , dealer , diver , hunter , poet , astronomer , i enlarge your feelings filterd them with melancholy , I gave you a sence of FREEDOM you’ve never tasted before .

When ” i’m in the mood “ ,i let you restrict me and use me for your comfort survival and easy life . I let you put me in a bottle or in a small box , sell me and make wealth .

I let you use me as a tool , a weapon , a source energy and take advantage of my variety of shapes and forms , i can easily take .

Through my billion years life ,i’ve seen Kings and Queens , poor and rich , Warlords and Piecemakers , Beautiful and Ugly , Justice and inJustice , Lovers and Haters , WORLD CHAMPIONS , “pure blooded , half blooded and blue – blooded ” , powerslaves – tyrants and Democrates , smart or not so smart , educated or not , sensitive or cruel , Bad or Good .

I have 3 molecules , i'm a little salty , but Nothing can Beat me !! 5

I’ve also seen people like you (!!) my friend .People who tries to be something in his life , to reach a goal a personal dream which ” burns ” him inside steady and slowly .

People , who are alone , have noone to grab his hand and STAND UP in their feet , people with empty pockets and old shoes , bad breath from hunger , and dirty fingernails from his daily hard handy work , when they can found one .

People , who the long and cold nights under a bridge , or in a whole-loaded warehouse , ask themselves :

” if they will make it , IF THEY CAN WIN .

This specific thought , made him so scared and alone and most of the times , a TINY(!!) TEAR ,coming from deep down , escapes his eyes and dries out in his dirty hands .

Let me tell you a “secret”, my friend .

Yes , i have 2 parts hydrogene and 1 part oxygene , i’m a tiny drop or a huge sea .

Yes , you humans have manage to control me in some cases and maybe beat me in others using my different forms , but do you know my one and only one UNBEATABLE FORM ?

It is the form i have , when i get out ( a little more saltier , i suppose ) from your human eyes as a precious diamond tear , honesty filtered by your PAIN and DESPAIR .



- I'm the admin of the www.viralchampions.com . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of www.viralchampions.com

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