Can a small Water – Drop , make you Lose ?

Can a small Water - Drop , make you Lose ? 1

I exist so many thousand years my friends . I exist since the planet you live and having so much fun(and sometimes abuse) , it was so different .

Seas and oceans existed where you live and grow your families today .High mountains and “virgin” vegetation , were in the places you have made your big cities and your so big civilisation .

I lived without having any problems , in the highest temperatures of the sahara deserts and in the coldest minus of the most extreme corners in this so BEAUTIFUL planet .

I’m a TINY “water-drop” , immortal and untouched from material situations , but i have only one limitation and specification to exist .

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I can only exist and have substance , only on living beings . I can only affect living beings .I have no power on material and stuff .In our situation , i don’t care much to influence animals in sea and land , i like to affect HUMAN LIFES SO MUCH . In this i’m good at .

I want to stay humble , but i cannot resist to say to you my friend that “attacking” in human lifes , is something that i’m extremely good at .You’ll see how .

You’ll see that i don’t have many abilities , i have only one abilty , but so powerful on human lifes , you’ll be surpised .

Why am i going to UNVEIL MY SECRET TO YOU ?

Can a small Water - Drop , make you Lose ? 3

Because i’m so confident about the power , i have on you ,that even if i’ll tell you this little ancinet secret , you would find it , so difficult to resist and avoid the trap of mine .

It’s a win – win (!) situation for me my friend and i’ve seen so many humans falling on my cobwed , and NEVER ESCAPE !!I used my unique power to the first humans who stepped their feet on the planet , millions of years before .

I must admit that it was very easy for me , a tiny “water-drop” , to use my power to those primitive humans , because their brain and mindset wasn’t very advanced and sophisticated , as you are my friend today in the 21st century .

These humans back then , only cared to survive ( which wasn’t an easy thing ) and have food and the basics in their lifes . So it was very easy to me , to manipulate them and “do my job” . Of course i don’t blame them , but i didn’t have much fun back then .

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The millennians were passing and with your evolution as a humanity ,the “game” for me became more interesting .You started to evolute your mind , discovering new material things and push your brain to understand the use of them .

You discoverd fire and now you could cook your meat and expand your daily nutrition to the next level .

You discovered that , as more people are trying for something , it is easier to accomplish it , by combining body and spirit powers .You began to make your first families , your villages , your first small towns and your first societies .

Now your evolution is getting more quicker .The companion of other humans made you create moral values , ethics , rules so you could all live with harmony as possible , written and unwritten laws to follow .

As you can imagine with your growing evolution , my power on your lifes was growing too ,aster than i could possibly thought .Your curiosity of exporing and your lust for better life ( and maybe power ) ,made you create bigger and bigger towns , made you create countries .

Countries with organizations , strict laws , culture , civilization , traditions , music , arts , sciences , but also troops and weapons .

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In the beginning you had weapons for “small” damages . Now you are “proud” because your weapons can vanish the hole planet in a glimpse . Yes , you can vanish also me .

Do you know how many wars have i began , sneaking silently in the Generals and Warlords last minute councils ,made them take the WRONG desicion and began the war ?

Do you know how easy was for me , to make those generals mad and furious about their enemies and close their ears to the others who spoke the moderate language , the language of avoidance of the war ?

Do you know how easy wsa for me to “push all THE CORRECT BUTTONS to the person who made the critical desicion , and make him my pawn ?

Do you know how many wars , misery and death i have started , playing some sneaky mind games with the “appropriate person ” , who never realized of course my “mission” ?

I played with their minds and their psychology so easily and the best part was , that they DIDN’T EVEN KNOW MY EXISTANCE !!

I was their worst enemy and they thought , that i was their BEST FRIEND !!!!!

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Because when you don’t see or realize something that cause you problems , you don’t feel the need to take action .You just obey and you don’t even know it !!

Nice trick isn’t it ?

Of course during the time and space , i’ve found some “boys and girls” , who were HUMBLE , controlling their bad ego and suspected my presence , MAKING ME SO WEAK AND HELPLESS !!!

Those persons had the ability to overtake me , and made my so big power , a tiny fragile branch . I must admit , i avoid these humans because i CANNOT HARM THEM not even a little bit .This is so annoying . I also train myself to forget their names , but i cannot .

Alexander , Leonidas , Odysseus , Contantin , Abraham , Albert , Loudwig , Manos , Nelson , Ayrton , and the list is endless . Do you know how many nations i’ve vanished making them fight each other , for minus reasons most of the times ?

Do you know how many nations i’ve vanished , making them begin civil wars , again for minus reasons ?Do you know how many times i stopped the evolution of humanity , by making humans fight each other driven only by HATRED ?

Do you know how many times i stopped the evolution of humanity , by making humans not fighting for defending the good and made them lazy and uninterested ?

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Do you know how many families i’ve seperate for extreme tiny reasons ,making them fight each other , each and every day , so finally they would FORGET HOW HAPPY THEY WERE ONCE ?

Do you know how easily i can transform LOVE into hate among lovers , friends , companies , countries , ,families ,young and old and whoever gives to me his permission ?

Do you know how easily i can tranform happiness into misery and pain , by using a couple “tricks” ? To spread hatred and discord through you my friends , i odn’t care much for many details . I just want , i just need one crucucial detail :

I hit my final and biggest “rocket” , only when you are in your complete personal psychological limit , to BRAKE” .


Never when you can be “pushed” , a little more and you can handle it .I hit my final hit , the exact time , when you believe inside you , that YOU CANNOT HANDLE ANYTHING MORE .That you are on the limit in body and mind and a tiny extra “push” , will desrtoy you .

I hit , when you have no money , no job , no family ,no friends ,no relationship , no ambitions , no courage ,no holding hand , no good health , no way out ,no “future” , no victory , no strategies for victory , no vision , NO HOPE .

I hit when you are in the complete zero . Usually i put someone or something , without even know it most of times , to push your final “button” and make you vanish for good .

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It could be something which underestimate your EGO , very deeply . “Reminds” you that you are not a worthy person ,that you are born loser , reminds you ,all your past mistakes and failures ,and that , there is noone you can reach for help and guidance .

I am a tiny water-drop and my “mission” is to CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU’LL LOSE !

I am a tiny water-drop , which makes your “glass of willpower” TO OVERFLOW and lose the “game” PERMANENTLY .

But you are catching me in a good mood (!) , so let me tell you another little secret :

If you manage to hold on , to this tiny water – drop attack and don’t brake , NOTHING CAN STOP YOU !!


- I'm the admin of the . - I'm from Athens Greece , and after several web and outside the web jobs , i made this Blog , wanted to give vision , solutions and maybe Motivation , to anyone who wants to accomplish something . - And what is the Best way to Motivate , from presenting the Life and the Ways of the ones who have already Win , or trying to Win . - Welcome aboard ...... ** Periklis Simeonidis - owner & admin of

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